Criminal Defense Attorney in Houston
Free Case Evaluation | Available 24/7 (713) 448-0303
Helping You Make the Decision You Can Live With By Providing Realistic Legal Advice for Your Case


Have You Been Accused of Violating Probation?

Is your freedom being threatened for alleged probation violation? Failing to meet the conditions laid out by the court can carry significant consequences. If you have been court-ordered to complete a series of actions, and you fail to meet the conditions, you may find yourself facing further sentencing by the court. This effectively means that you are taking one violating probation and could be sent back to prison.

Accused of violating probation? Contact Houston probation violations lawyer Samuel M. Gardner Attorney at (713) 448-0303.


Those who are placed on probation do not enjoy the full range of legal opportunity when it comes to defense. Rather, the defendant will be subject to the full scope of prosecution if their probation is challenged. Defendants on probation are not entitled to jury trials. All aspects of a probation are handled at hearings in front of the judge who originally approved the terms.

Additionally, the prosecution will only have to prove that a defendant violated probation. The evidence and judgments from the original charge are not part of probationary hearings. It is also unnecessary for the prosecution to prove probation violation beyond a reasonable doubt. Instead, they only have to prove violation by the preponderance of evidence.

Some of the more often cited reasons for probation violations in Texas include the following:

  • Committing an additional crime
  • Failing to meet reporting requirements of probation
  • Failing to complete any required programs or classes
  • Failing a drug test
  • Failing to complete community service


For minor violations, your probation office has the ability to serve you with a warning. If you are arrested during the course of your probationary period, do not discuss the conditions of your arrest with your probation officer as there is a chance they will testify against you. Instead, contact an attorney as soon as possible.

Samuel Gardner in Houston, Texas, is a qualified criminal defense attorney you can trust to help you through the unique set of conditions that a probation violation presents. Your attorney will help you understand your rights in a probationary hearing and will be there to defend them fully and aggressively. An attorney will also be instrumental in helping you navigate a reopened case if you are determined to be in violation of probation.

Call (713) 448-0303 to discuss the terms of your probation and the alleged violation that is placing your freedom at risk.


Take a look at our results.
  • Dismissed Accused of Assault Bodily Injury
  • Dismissed Accused of Assault Bodily Injury / Injury to Public Servant
  • Jury Trial / Not Guilty Accused of Assault Family Member
  • Jury Trial / Mistrial / Dismissed Accused of Assault Family Member
  • Dismissed Accused of Assault Family Member
  • Jury Trial / Not Guilty Accused of Evading Arrest
  • Jury Trial / Not Guilty Accused of Felony Evading Arrest
  • Dismissed Accused of Forgery Government Financial Instrument
  • Dismissed Accused of Injury to Elderly
  • Dismissed Accused of Possession of a Controlled Substance 28-200g

Client Testimonials

  • “Honest.. Always shows up an will let you know if he is running late.”

    Christopher M.

  • “Best Attorney Ever”

    Kim T.

  • “I highly recommend him as your attorney”

    J. S.

  • “I would recommend him to anybody looking for an attorney.”

    Previous Client

  • “Mr. Gardner took the time to go over the police report with me and show me why the evidence should be thrown out.”

    Previous Client